Protect Yourself From CoronaVirus (2019-nCoV)

Here you will find the latest situation updates and data regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.

Virus Spread

How Virus Spread

Close contact with one another

From infected person coughs or sneezes

Touching a object that has the virus

About Coronavirus

General information about coronavirus disease

The recent outbreak began in Wuhan, a city in the Hubei province of China. Reports of the first COVID-19.

Coronaviruses are common in certain species of animals, such as cattle and camels. Although the transmission of coronaviruses from animals to humans is rare.However, it remains unclear exactly how the virus first spread to humans.

Corona Symptoms

Corona Virus Symptoms

Coughing & Sneezing

Strong Headacke

Strong Fever

Shortness Of Breath

Do & Don’t

What Should We Do & Don’t

Wash Your Hands For 20sec

Use soap and water or a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol:

Wear a Mask When go outside

Masks help protect others from catching you the Coronavirus,

Cover Nose When Sneezing

People who really need them, like the sick or health care professionals..

Boil Your Food Properly

Use soap and water or a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol:

Don’t Eat Dangerous Animal

Use soap and water or a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol:

Don’t Touch Your Face or Nose

Masks help protect others from catching you the Coronavirus,

Avoid Contact Sick People

People who really need them, like the sick or health care professionals..

Avoid Crowded Places

Use soap and water or a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol:

Virus Reports

Corona Virus Live Reports